欢迎 to our 中心、研究所和项目

The 文理学院 (CLAS) not only houses Academic Departments, 但是有一小部分 中心、研究所和项目 that enrich the experiences of all 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students and beyond. These specials areas provide unique opportunities to on and off-campus community members to expand their knowledge, grow their skills and engage in meaningful interactions with people across various experiences and backgrounds.


The Center of Visual Art is associated with the 美术与表演艺术系 where students come to create, perform, and inspire.



The 视觉艺术中心 (CVA) is an off-campus 密歇根州立大学丹佛 art gallery which exposes students to leading-edge art that would not otherwise be seen in 丹佛 and the Rocky Mountain West. CVA提供多样化, high-quality art experiences that bring local and international artists, 密歇根州立大学丹佛 students and the broader community together to advance the global urban dialogue. CVA的提供:

  • 全年展览
  • 免费社区活动
  • 学习实验室
  • 创造性的连接

Division of Humanities and Social Sciences

The 丹佛人文探究项目 and the 家庭扫盲计划 are associated with the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences where students come to learn about the human condition and systems that guide our behavior.



The 丹佛人文探究项目, 或Dphi, enriches 丹佛’s intellectual and cultural life through programs that reframe perspectives, 挑战假设, and stimulate dialogue about human thought, 历史, 科学, 艺术与文化. Dphi organizes numerous events centered on major themes, issues or questions of abiding human concern. Dphi提供:

  • 人类语境播客
  • 社区合作伙伴关系
  • 丰富文化节目


自1994年以来, Metropolitan State University of 丹佛’s 家庭扫盲计划 (FLP) has helped break the cycle of intergenerational poverty by building the literacy skills of whole families—parents and their children. By emphasizing learning within a family context, the 家庭扫盲计划 enhances the relationships between parents and children and strengthens parents’ roles as supporters of their children’s education. 隔爆提供了:

  •  英语作为第二语言(ESL)
  •  High School Equivalency Classes in English and Spanish
  •  父母当老师
  •  Early Family Literacy: Multilingual Preschool


The 高级STEM教育中心 is associated with the 数学与科学学部 where students come to acquire scientific literacy and a path to discovery in a modern, 科技社会.



The 高级STEM教育中心 (情况下) mission is to engage and support STEM students with an emphasis on historically underrepresented. 通过包容性规划, 情况下 enhances students’ skill sets to prepare them for well-paying STEM careers, provides co-curricular learning opportunities and collaborates with internal and external partners to improve STEM learning and teaching. 案例提供了:

  • Building Identity Leading to Diversity (BUILD) Scholarship Program
  • Rocky Mountain Alliance for Minority Participation (RM-AMP) Program
  • Noyce U-R STEM Math and Science Teaching Scholarship Program
  • 学习援助(LA)计划


The 公共服务学院 is associated with the College’s 跨学科的联盟 and Innovation where we educate our students in specific disciplinary fields with an interdisciplinary viewpoint.

Online student studying outside 丹佛 capitol


改变世界, being part of something that is larger than one’s self, upholding the principles and practices of a free and engaged citizenry: these are but a few doctrines that underlie the human motivation to serve. The 公共服务学院 works to empower and build the next generation of public service leaders. The 公共服务学院 offers:

  • 公共服务学习机会
  • 密歇根州立大学丹佛 Presidential Internship Program
  • 解决方案工作室



Temporary Campus Location (March 16-August):



P. O. 173362箱




